What is stress? Stress is a sense of inner pressure from society, that pressure is result of our beliefes that the people with whom we are sorrounded have expectations from us for w hich we are not sure if we want or can fulfill. It is a subconscious fear of rejection or ridicule we have adopted in the childhood that still manages our i dentity. Stress is consequence of long-term exposure to these feelings which results in resistence to life or more precisely the resistance to the present moment. When we feel resista nce to the present moment our subconscious mind lead us into the past or the future and in this way we do not actually live in reality. Let's say that a person who is an actor by profession have a public performance for which he has not prepared, that person will feel a sense of pressure from the audience because the audience expects from him something he believes he can not perform. In this case, the person ...